Use "the last temptation of christ|the last temptation of christ" in a sentence


2. Jesus is called “the Christ” or “Jesus Christ,” but Christ is not his last name.

3. A third, Christ, deals with Advent, the Ascension, and the last Judgment.

4. Admonishing Sentence Examples His last production was Christ Admonishing Martha

5. Craftiness: Satan, in the Temptation of Eve

6. The temptation proved irresistible.

7. 5 The temptation proved irresistible.

8. In times of test and temptation, we need to turn to God in prayer, asking for help, for spiritual strength to do what is in agreement with the mind of Christ.

9. 15 She succumbed to the temptation of another drink.

10. In fact the dangers of indiscipline increase with temptation.

11. Was the temptation real or imaginary?

12. 28 The temptation is very strong.

13. Why offer any temptation?

14. Korihor, an anti-Christ, ridicules the doctrine of Christ

15. Others may suggest it's the temptation of the office machine.

16. It might be out of bounds, but the temptation to take a slightly closer look was a temptation she could not resist.

17. Acedia manifests itself as the temptation to deny our commitment to things, our choice of life, coupled with the temptation to overwhelming doubt, the lapsing of certitudes

18. The temptation was warring with his conscience.

19. A terrible temptation Assailed me

20. 17 With an effort of will he resisted the temptation.

21. It can strengthen us against times of temptation.

22. I had the constant temptation to look out of the window.

23. 19 She resisted the temptation to laugh.

24. 12 The temptation warred with his conscience.

25. Nephi wrote: “We talk of Christ, we rejoice in Christ, we preach of Christ.”

26. Temptation to defect, 5 points.

27. Resist the temptation to nap in the daytime.

28. That candy is a temptation.

29. However, do not both Adam and Eve stand to benefit from the ransom sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ, “the last Adam”?

30. The menu offers a temptation to over-indulgence.

31. He failed to struggle against temptation.

32. 8 I had the constant temptation to look out of the window.

33. Cloven hoof definition, the figurative indication of Satan or evil temptation

34. At first, the temptation may not involve an act of fornication.

35. That's kind of a temptation in a land of men.

36. When temptation is likely to strike.

37. * See also Adversity; Patience; Tempt, Temptation

38. Follow the temptation of darkness or hold on to the blessing of light.

39. The absence of their visible leader meant that temptation was unchecked.

40. What two contrasting examples show the value of fleeing from temptation?

41. Not even overseers are immune to the temptation of materialistic pursuits.

42. 24 Resist the temptation to nap in the daytime.

43. This provocation contains a temptation for the president.

44. 22 The temptation was too great to resist.

45. How do we overcome the temptation to lust?

46. He who avoids temptation avoids the sin. 

47. Was it really a temptation, though?

48. 4 That candy is a temptation.

49. He would try Cajoling and temptation

50. Jesus Christ -- Resurrection, Jesus Christ -- Resurrection -- History of doctrines -- 20th century, Jesus Christ, Jesus Christus -- Auferstehung, Resurrection -- History of doctrines, Resurrection of Jesus Christ, Opstanding van Christus, Antiphonar, Quelle, Jesus Christ - Resurrection, Jesus Christ - Resurrection - History Of Doctrines - 20th

51. 21 The temptation was warring with his conscience.

52. This is a lot of trapeze is a big temptation.

53. Belonging is the second book in the Temptation series

54. Don't give in to the temptation to argue back.

55. Is not the promise of quick riches the temptation of many questionable business propositions?

56. The third temptation in particular brought the issue of sovereignty to the fore.

57. What happens is two- thirds of the kids give in to temptation.

58. He had no great temptation to loiter.

59. Pilgrims lapidate a stone pillar in commemoration of Abraham's temptation.

60. 20 The menu offers a temptation to over-indulgence.

61. 1 He who avoids temptation avoids the sin. 

62. The Constraining Love of Christ


64. The Absoluteness of Jesus Christ

65. ♪ Tantrum temptation A faith altercation ♪

66. 3 He failed to struggle against temptation.

67. As the Charismata are but expressions of the charisma of Christ, and the pneumatika are expressive of the Pneuma of Christ, it becomes evident that these are Christ-expressions

68. The pre-existence of Christ refers to the existence of Christ before his incarnation as Jesus

69. Marriage is a spiritual picture of Christ Jesus Christ is the perfect example of Betrothal

70. Boldness overcame the temptation to feel shame about the gospel

71. 13 I couldn't resist the temptation to open the letter.

72. 18 I couldn't resist the temptation to open the letter.

73. Beautiful angel temptation and charm of the vixen to seduce the devil, who won?

74. One was the strong temptation towards explicitness and over-clarity.

75. So dessert is really put in the middle of the smorgasbord as a temptation.

76. Baptizing Infants Baptised Into Christ Baptism Cleansing The Body Baptism, significance of Clothed With Good Things Union With Christ, Nature Of Participation, In Christ

77. It pointed to Christ as the objective aimed at (“Christ is the end of the Law”).

78. 25 The temptation to tell her everything was very strong.

79. 18 Don't give in to the temptation to argue back.

80. Gandhi did not often succumb to that temptation.